Brazilian beauty and cosmetics markets: trends and news

Pascale Brousse

Beauty trends: Green, clean… what's next?

Beauty trends: Green, clean… what’s next?

It is definitely a huge wave. To be desirable, a product should be green, clean, and cool – and preferably the Indie and DNVB [1] way....

Green make-up: The new standard?

Green make-up: The new standard?

Consumer demand for natural and green cosmetics keeps growing. And many “Indie brands” meet it, positioning themselves with green + clean...

Health Statement: health-beauty as a lifestyle

Health Statement: health-beauty as a lifestyle

The notion of health is getting wider at last. Until recently, it was directly associated with diseases by the general public, in...

How is beauty connected to the current health revolution? Advanced integrative care

How is beauty connected to the current health revolution? Advanced integrative care

Health and self-care are becoming priorities worldwide (the “Lifestyle value” is no.1 in China and the key for happiness for 71% of the...

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